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Friday, August 26, 2011

Understanding Javascript Prototype, Static members and Instance

Since javascript is a prototype-based language, sometime it's confusing for anyone with the background from the class-based languages like C#, Java etc... to implement javascript in OOP way or to comply with software architectural patterns such as MVC, MVP or MVVM.

Today I found some useful snippets while looking for some meaningful explanation.
Here's the one explained by someone on stackoverflow,

// constructor function
function MyClass () {
  var privateVariable; // private member only available within the constructor fn

  this.privilegedMethod = function () { // it can access private members

// A 'static method', it's just like a normal function 
// it has no relation with any 'MyClass' object instance
MyClass.staticMethod = function () {};

MyClass.prototype.publicMethod = function () {
  // the 'this' keyword refers to the object instance
  // you can access only 'privileged' and 'public' members

var myObj = new MyClass(); // new object instance


You shall read the original thread here, for a more detail similar to the above example you can find it here.