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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Tomcat and port 80 problem on Windows

Normally, if we want to make Tomcat to listen to port 80, we only have to change its server.xml as below,

<Connector port="80" protocol="HTTP/1.1" 
           redirectPort="8443" />

But sometime for some reason, we can't just get it right spending a few hours on it. I used to face this problem while helping out my coworker configuring the Tomcat to use port 80. I also tried installing Apache httpd to apply it as a Reverse Proxy for Tomcat but to no avail showing "service not installed" error, after checking netstat command as described below,

Friday, May 9, 2014

My thoughts on developing hybrid Android app

It's easier said than done!
Do not ever dream of developing hybrid app for complicated and responsive UI on Android prior to KitKat.

Thinking JQM or Cordova could be a life saver?

It will also screw your time and budget trying to embed ChromiumView or What? GeckoView?
... asking your customer to use chrome or to upgrade the Android is also a bad idea.